Saturday, November 22, 2014

Luck o' teh Rogue

I've been slammed with work, so Kuan and Morn have sorta been chillin' in the new Garrison for a few days sending out missions.  But we see how the Garrison Resources build up, and decided Eeyan and Telt must get there sooner than later!

Tonight we got them there.  And what happens to Eeyan?  Epic Olin Umberhide and Ka'la, of course.

"Screenshot or it didn't happen" so here they are:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Slice of Guild Chat from the Release of Warlords of Draenor

Darkfall guild chat this evening:

Warlords of Draenor is live!

<Me finishes off a Pandaria Master Pet Tamer.>

Rogue: I'm gonna level so fast!
<Rogue gets achieve for turning in Shado-Pan quests>

Warlock: I've never seen a new expansion on release day. I'm gonna go see it!
Me: I plan to avoid spawn camping ridiculousness, and just hang out here in Pandaria pet battling for a bit.

<Me finishes off Thundering Pandaren Spirit Pet Tamer.>

Rogue: The first quest giver is bugged.
Rogue: Blizz has had 3 months to beta test this. I can't believe it is so broken.
Warlock: I can't move.
Warlock: I can't even hearth.
Me: Welcome to the new Expansion, same as the old expansion. Shit be broken.

<Me finishes off another Pandaria Master Pet Tamer.>

<Warlock logs off and logs on an alt in Org.>

Rogue: Whoa, this place is so crowded.
<Rogue goes offline.>
Warlock-alt: I think the EK server went down. The Blasted Lands was super lagged.

World Server is Down.

Monday, October 13, 2014


I look at my draft posts, and all I can think of is the Indiana Jones movies. My draft folder is some sort of jungle ruins situation. Half written posts that are overgrown with twice re-written posts. Watch out for those old posts about tanking or Timeless Isle, those poison darts are still potent. Is that a giant image post of the legendary cloak questline, but with only half of the captions done, rolling towards me like a giant boulder of doom?

Perhaps my analogy falters.

Regardless, I keep thinking that if I can just rescue a few of them, and start posting some WoW stuff again maybe I'll have any sort of motivation to play again. I suspect my cause and effect is reversed though.

I do know that if I look at all those half written drafts I can see when and why I stopped caring about WoW. It mostly boils down to the stress of trying to lead a guild and a raid, the tension between flex and having to cut down to a normal raid, Timeless Isle, the horrible thought of trying to get on the gear treadmill with my alts (let alone the new boosted 90, which *still* doesn't feel like a real character), and just not feeling like Blizz actually wanted me as a customer.

I know the new expansion is coming up soon. I know the next major patch is really soon. But I'm only feeling an obligation to log on, no actual desire.

Maybe it'd be better to leave those ruins buried under the jungle.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rob Pardo: More of a Sexist Asshole than I Thought.

The more I think about Rob Pardo's words the angrier I am. I tried to wait a week before I posted my thoughts to see if I cooled down, but I've actually only gotten more angry.

I really can not emphasize how FURIOUSLY ANGRY I am about Rob Pardo's attitude on workplace hiring: Yet in discussing this workplace gender imbalance, he notes "It's not because we don't want more women developers, it's just what the industry is," but then follows this up by arguing that when it comes to hiring women game designers, "I just don't get the applications."

I want to give a big FUCK YOU to Rob Pardo. As a woman who has been in software development for 11 years, this attitude almost seems designed to enrage me. Yes, there are fewer women than men in game development. There are fewer women in general in software development, and where the fuck does he thing they are going to come from if he spouts of sexist shit like that?!?

I am so amazingly angry I am almost in tears. There are very few things that make me angrier than someone telling me I DON'T EXIST. I'm not in the gaming industry, but I still write code for a goddamn living. I look at the Blizzard software job descriptions and there are a bunch in SF that I could qualify for. I wouldn't apply because it's absolutely clear to me that they have a toxic work environment if their Chief Creatice Officer is such a sexist asshole.

"However... today's gaming industry is not very diverse. I see hope with all the students in game programs" -- @Rob_Pardo

Fuck you asshole. How about you try to recognize the existing talent and make some effort to attract them? You know, instead of making the vast majority of women (and men who enjoy diversity) not want to touch your company with a ten ft pole.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Rob Pardo is a sexist asshole

It's not a secret that I'm more than a little burned out on WoW. I haven't really raided since mid-March. Being a woman, I'm only vaguely looking forward to the boy's trip (look at Fan #16) of the next expansion.

However there is a big disturbance going on in the internet. Rob Pardo made a presentation at MIT Media Lab. In this talk, Pardo noted that Blizzard games aren't a place for "real world issues", and because they are all boys who grew up reading comic books their representations of women are "offensive to, I think, some women".

He thinks it is offensive for some women!

Just think of Noblegarden and it's terrible Shake Your Bunny-Maker achievement. Think of all the armor that is actual armor on males and bra and panty sets on females. Think of how even though Tyrande is allegedly the leader of the Night Elves Malfurion seems to entirely sideline and ignore her whenever he is present. Think of the quest in Valley of Four Winds where a Pandaren woman is forced to dance for the virmen ogler. I could go on and on and on.

A number of people have pointed out how Pardo's words are sexist and homophobic. Kurn is displeased. Cynwise is quitting. Rades is unhappy. Matthew Rossi at joystiq has an extremely eloquent write up that points out that including diversity doesn't mean you have to make it a focus and doesn't mean you can't keep the story fun. His point that including more people in a MULTIPLAYER game just increases the fun for everyone really resonated with me.

I would like to make the point that Pardo's insistence that "We're not trying to bring in serious stuff, or socially relevant stuff, or actively trying to preach for diversity or do things like that" is perhaps something that Blizzard needs to reconsider.

Something they need to strongly reconsider.

More than a week ago Friday some asshole, who hadn't gotten laid, murdered a bunch of people in Southern California. He played WoW. The juxtaposition of Pardo's remarks about Blizzard's disregard for women and lack of care for "real world" issues with this shooting looks really bad for Blizzard. The shooter this Friday was a racist and sexist and homophobic asshole. However, I have to wonder: if his primary leisure activity (marathon sessions playing....World of Warcraft, "The only thing I have left to live for") hadn't been as sexist in it's representation of women, would he have been quite so likely to go on a murderous rampage?

And this isn't the only mass-murderer to be called out for playing WoW. The Newtown school shooter played WoW. And Anders Breivik, the racist who went on a murderous rampage in Norway, played a lot of WoW as well. I don't think that WoW turned these men into murderers, but I do think it could have helped them not be murderers.

I'm sure that people will jump up to say that there are 7 million people currently playing WoW, so of course there are some people who go on to do bad things among them. To that I'd like to point out that A) there used to be 12 million people playing WoW and B) a lot of the quests that included and empowered women were removed with the revamp of the world during Cata and replaced with ones that didn't include women. Coincidentally Cata was the expansion where Blizzard's subscriber numbers really started to trend downwards.

So perhaps Pardo and the other sexist leadership at Blizzard could get their heads out of their asses and treat women and other minorities like people.

I am seriously considering canceling my own WoW subscription. I engage in a story when I can identify or at least like the characters in it. I'm no longer confident that that characters and story of Warcraft is something that I want to interact with.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thoughts on my Boosted 90


Friday, April 18, 2014



After Kuan and Morn got their fabulous cloaks we were wandering around exploring the bits of the Timeless Isle we'd been unable to reach.  Specifically we were exploring the Ordon Sanctuary. 

We cloaked over there and slaughtered angry fiery Yaungol.  We looted altars and ate fire flowers. We looted that last Blazing Chest. We were just about bored of killing Yaungol when someone asked for more for Ordos. I asked and they claimed that their group would be full soon.  This was a lie, but eventually we had a full raid and were ready to kill Ordos, Fire God of the Yaungol. 

While we were waiting for the raid to fill I perused the Dungeon Journal for Ordos.  Turns out that the Fire God of the Yaungol has a lot of fire attacks! He sets people on fire. He puts pools of fire on the ground. He puts fire trees down that attack the closest people. Oh and there is a pretty limited space to fight him, so be careful with his placement so you don't run out of room before he runs out of health.

Anyway I was hoping that the other tank had some sort of clue, since I'd not pulled him before.  I'd just gotten my cloak a couple of hours before! But no, the other tank was someone's alt. He or she wasn't all that sure about how to tank, let alone how to tank Ordos.

Okay then. Time for some basic crap-on-the-ground tanking.  We'll start him in one corner and work around the outside edge of the room. Hopefully that gives enough space to work in. 

Pull and death by BBQ.

It turns out that when Ordos sets people on fire, they also burn the people around them. So if they don't run away the rest of the raid gets toasted in a fairly fatal fashion, because he sets three or four people on fire at the same time. At least, despite my not having any clue about how much he needed to move, the wipe wasn't Morn's fault.  And since DraNgNon is fully capable of listening when DBM is all "RUN THE FUCK AWAY" it wasn't Kuan's fault either.

Anyway we rezzed and ran back. Feasts were dropped and harsh words were said about "RUN THE FUCK AWAY" or we all die. We lined back up and I pulled Ordos again.  This time I had a better idea of how and where to pull him, so the movement and placement was a bit more smooth. People ran away when then needed to and we slaughtered Ordos with glee and only a few burns. 

Morn even got a fabulous new belt out of it: Greatbelt of the Crendor Who, incidentally makes some amusing WoW videos.