Friday, April 4, 2008


Last night Hyjal was down so I took a look at where Khyrie is. She is parked in Silithus with Vhaas until they finish the quests there. Also the thorium is quite rich in the hives there so we have some vain hope that she will be able to mine the money for Vhaas to get epic riding skill and mounts for both of them.

Anyway a stack plus of Thorium later Khyrie prowled out of Hive Ashi. Cat form does have it's advantages. Also the bugs are no longer elite so it's pretty easy for even a resto druid to prowl in, kill the single mob guarding the thorium, mine, and prowl to the next mining node.

The ore was smelted and sent to Hokushi so hopefully there will be more money for epic riding soon...

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