Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Replacing Primal Mooncloth

Teltanara is currently wearing all 3 pieces of the Primal Mooncloth tailored healing set. It's a pretty spiffy look and has served her well for quite some time now. However it will shortly be time to move on to bigger and better things.

In the not too distant future Telt will have enough badges to get the Gown of Spiritual Wonder. However this will break up her PMC set, so I'd like to get some other upgrades lined up so I can swap everything at close to the same time. That way I hopefully don't lose too much in the way of healing or regen, and gain some stam. (Ooohh! not dying all the fricking time :( )

Anyway as far as belt goes I'm thinking Belt of the Long Road. I'd lose a bunch of regen on it compared to the Primal Mooncloth Belt, but with the increase to int and spirit, probably not as much as I think.

Mats for the Belt of the Long road are as follows:
- 2 Nether Vortex
- 4 Imbued Netherweave bolts
- 10 Primal Lifes
- 10 Primal Waters
- 2 Rune Threads

The shoulders are a little more difficult to figure out. Or rather I appear to have a few more choices. I picked up Pauldrons of the Solace Giver in Karazhan the other day. I could, with a bunch of luck, get ahold of Light-Mantle of the Incarnate. I'm not really sure what else is out there and good and easy-ish for Telt to get. I suppose that the Swiftheal Mantle would be a pretty clear up grade, but the pattern plus two hearts of darkness would be a bit spendy for Telt.


tanthalas said...

You won't want to break the PMC bonus for any single piece. Pick up the chest and the belt at the same time, and you can defer your decision about which shoulders to use for later, since the PMC shoulders are actually pretty good on their own. :)

Clara said...

Yep, that is pretty much what my plan is. I just need the badges for the chest and the mats for the belt, which could possibly require badges for the nether vortexes.