Monday, July 14, 2008

more on Clutter

So I recently posted two screenshots, and they had so much clutter. Here is another source of clutter:
sheep:~ dracon$ cd /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/
sheep:AddOns dracon$ ls -F
AuldLangSyne/ DBM_ZulAman/
Blizzard_AuctionUI/ FuBar/
Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap/ FuBar_AmmoFu/
Blizzard_BindingUI/ FuBar_BagFu/
Blizzard_CombatLog/ FuBar_BongosFu/
Blizzard_CombatText/ FuBar_ClockFu/
Blizzard_CraftUI/ FuBar_DurabilityFu/
Blizzard_GMSurveyUI/ FuBar_ExperienceFu/
Blizzard_GuildBankUI/ FuBar_HonorFu/
Blizzard_InspectUI/ FuBar_LocationFu/
Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI/ FuBar_MicroMenuFu/
Blizzard_MacroUI/ FuBar_MoneyFu/
Blizzard_RaidUI/ FuBar_OutfitterFu/
Blizzard_TalentUI/ FuBar_PerformanceFu/
Blizzard_TradeSkillUI/ FuBar_PetFu/
Blizzard_TrainerUI/ FuBar_PoisonFu/
Bongos2/ FuBar_RecountFu/
Bongos2_ActionBar/ FuBar_RegenFu/
Bongos2_CastBar/ FuBar_SkillsPlusFu/
Bongos2_MapBar/ FuBar_ToFu/
Bongos2_Options/ FuBar_TopScoreFu/
Bongos2_RollBar/ GotWood/
Bongos2_Stats/ GotWood_old/
Bongos2_XP/ Numen/
BuffTimers/ Omen/
CT_Core/ Outfitter/
CensusPlus/ PallyPower/
CharacterProfiler/ Perl_ArcaneBar/
ClassTimer/ Perl_CombatDisplay/
DBM_API/ Perl_Config/
DBM_AQ20/ Perl_Config_Options/
DBM_AQ40/ Perl_Focus/
DBM_Azeroth/ Perl_Party/
DBM_BWL/ Perl_Party_Pet/
DBM_Battlegrounds/ Perl_Party_Target/
DBM_BlackTemple/ Perl_Player/
DBM_GUI/ Perl_Player_Pet/
DBM_Hyjal/ Perl_Target/
DBM_Karazhan/ Perl_Target_Target/
DBM_MC/ Recount/
DBM_NAXX/ SolarianAlarm/
DBM_Outlands/ SpamSentry/
DBM_Serpentshrine/ TheoryCraft2/
DBM_Sunwell/ VoidReaverAlarm/
DBM_TheEye/ oRA2/

Yikes, eh? Since I made my last post on Clutter, though, it occurred to me I should look at the non-Ace addons for updates. And lo and behold, Bongos2 had some bad news: I have written a new action bar addon, called Dominos, and am no longer supporting this one. Please feel free to try it out, along with Trinity Bars, and Bartender 3.

So, I went and looked at the Dominos addon. It seemed OK. Likely to be more sustainable as he makes more use of the Blizz API. I read the forum posts becuase you get a good feel for addons by what people whine about. So I decided to try it. I loaded it on Tylara, becuase she has the least tweaked, and messed with button spacing, etc. I decided I liked it. Bongos2 has a bug, in which it won't let all the TheoryCraft2 info through, and Dominos doesn't have this bug.

I have 8 Horde alts on Hyjal, and 2 computers with different button layouts. Imagine how overjoyed I was to find out that layouts from Bongos2 can't be imported to Dominos. Not. You'd think since the same guy wrote em, he'd thought of that. Anyhow last night, prior to raiding Hyjal Summit, I got the 3 toons in Darkfall straightened out on the laptop and all Hyjal toons on the desktop. That took me about 2.5 hours. While I was at it I slid some buttons and windows around to reduce the clutter (the last few screenshots I've posted shows there is plenty of room for improvement there; I used some of that room). That means 9 folders under Interface/Addons can go away, too. 10 really. I have CT_Core in there, and am really only using it for quest levels. Not worth it, I disabled it.

Overall it doesn't look much different at first glance, but the devil is in the details. It's a lot cleaner, and my raid frames no longer contend with my buff timers.

Meanwhile Hyjal Summit was so fast and furious I missed out rolling on the trash mail caster chest, let alone doing something as mundane as screenshotting the raid UI. Ah, well.


tanthalas said...

Do you not bind to spellbook directly for a majority of your stuff? I can pretty much redo my both priest's and my mage's binds from scratch in under 5 minutes, provided that I didn't lose my macros as well. :P

draNgNon said...

no, I don't. Neither Bongos nor Dominos bind to the spells, they bind to the buttons.

tanthalas said...

(yes, late response) That's odd. I use Bongos2 and I can pretty much bind everything directly to my spellbook and macrobook. Binding to macrobook is kind of funky on Bongos2 though - it binds to the "slot" rather than to the macro itself, so if you add or remove a macro, the binding remains in the same spot and takes on whatever macro that got shifted to it. :P

I haven't tried Dominos but I suspect that if it's by the same developer, it should (hopefully) have the same feature. It's pretty much a dealbreaker for me for bar mod selection since I *hate* having to put spells onto bars before I can hotkey them.

tanthalas said...

OK I just downloaded and tried out Dominos. It does indeed lack the ability to bind to spellbook, which makes me sad. :(

Fortunately, the keybinding interface is still among the most intuitive ones out there, so at least it has that going for it.

That said, I'll probably be sticking with Bongos2 for quite awhile, and worry about finding a new mod when it finally breaks.