Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another visit to Hyjal Summit

Monday we tried TK but Monday was a US Holiday, Labour Day. So Darkfall had poor attendance and couldn't get Al'ar down before the enrage timer.

To make up for it we went into Zul'Aman after and did a full clear. Kuan got the daggar off the dragonhawk boss, [Wub's Cursed Hexblade]. WOO! That is his new instancing/caster weapon.

Today we had better attendance and we went into Hyjal. Kuan got a trash drop, [Claw of Molten Fury], WOO! That is his new farming/enhance/battleground weapon.

Anyhow setting up for Anetheron takes some time. They have to have everyone placed Just So. Group 2, which usually consists of mages + an ele shaman, always stands on the hill to Jaina's left. As we stood there waiting for the guild leader to finish explaining the fight, everyone eventually noticed us and took a screenshot.

For the record, that's Elut, Sardonique, Kuanchichi, Point, and Viljo.

FWIW we took down the first three bosses in Hyjal, no problem. For boss loot, Kaz dropped stuff that fully went to offspec. We will start working on later bosses after next week.

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