Saturday, December 20, 2008

the Oculus

Kuan and Viljo ran the Oculus tonight! It was a confusing mass of fun, as we did it in a pug where only one guy had run it before, and then only once.

I had been noticing that Kuan's hit percentage was decreasing after our run of Culling a couple nights ago. I swapped some of his gems for gems with +hit to see if they made a difference. They seemed to; but Oculus fights are broken up by flying on a drake form platform to platform, so the meters are somewhat useless.

But another exciting thing is the ring! One of the Oculus first quest rewards is a direct, onspec upgrade: [Ring of Temerity]. I immediately equipped it in place of [Ring of Unrelenting Storms], which I vendored after I got out of the instance.

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