Thursday, December 13, 2007


Teltanara and Eeyan ran Sethekk Halls last night. It was mildly painful, because the group was clearly a bunch of alts. Our druid was only so-so at holding aggro, our warlock did a lot of the pulling, the other (shadow) priest was obsessed with mind control, and quite honestly I'm not yet all that great a healer with Teltanara. I had just gotten Prayer of Mending, and wasn't always sure when I should refresh it. I also am finding myself deeply dissatisfied with my current UI, specifically my heal button layout versus my questing layout. (Any priests wants to give advice on raid frames and action bars that they use? With links? Pretty please?)

Anyway, we wiped here and there on trash. Teltanara won a blue gem from the first chest. We took out the first boss on our first attempt. We wipe on more trash and I learn a lesson about when NOT to pop with a soulstone. Another chest comes up and there is another gem. I announce in party chat that I'm passing because I already have a gem. The warlock salutes me for, basically, not being a loot whore. I am amused and think that Karma is always a good thing to have.

Finally we are at Ikiss. Ikiss is a bitch. Viljo has never seen the Incanter's Trousers drop, and Ikiss likes to, you know, kill everyone in the party with stupid explosion or missiles. On Viljo I usually get to watch most of the fight while lying dead on the floor. But apparently they nerfed him last patch, because we kill him first try. And with only one death.

We all grab our quest item and the key to Shadow Labyrinth. The loot is a mail belt and the Hallowed Trousers. Ohh! Hallowed Trousers!! I am so excited! But remember there is another priest there. He is excited too. He asks if I mind if he hits need. I say it's up to him, but I'm going to hit need. I end up winning with an 11, because he was nice enough to pass. This is clearly the karma I saved up earlier coming back to help me out.

1 comment:

tanthalas said...

What spells do you use for questing? All I use are Holy Fire, SWP, Smite, Mind Blast, and SWD. My binds are a little weird because a lot of them are still left over from leveling as Shadow, but my bindings are as follows:

for killing things:
1 - holy fire
2 - smite
3 - swp
4 - mind blast
5 - psychic scream
shift+g - swd

for healing:
q - renew
g - dispel
v - rank 1 gheal
shift+v - rank 7 gheal
c - circle of healing (when I am ds spec, c is rank 3 gheal - I need to bind rank 3 to something more static because it's useful for both specs really)
b - binding heal
t - fade
shift+b - prayer of mending
shift+2 - flash heal
shift+3 - power word: shield
ctrl+1 - prayer of heealing

e - mana burn because I pvp a lot
ctrl+c - mass dispel (again for pvp)
ctrl+b - bandage
shift e - fear ward
shift+4 - shackle focus
shift+5 - shackle target

I also have 4 floating keys that I occasionally switch around for different tasks (i.e. ghosting for gorefiend, bombing quests):
- shift+f - for medallion of the alliance, or for healing trinket #1
- shift+r - for battlemaster's, or healing trinket #2
- mouse 4 - lightwell, or for bombing
- mouse 5 - focus macro (quickly sets current target as focus)

Basically, you'll notice that all my spammable and most frequently used heals are placed in the most accessible places. the "oh shit" keys are a little less accessible but close enough to be quickly reachable.

OK raid time. I'll talk about mods and general healing stuff later. :P