Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Warsong Gulch Fix

Following on the heels of my last posting is a way to make Warsong less excruciating. draNgNon initially came up with this idea.

Statement of problem:
Warsong Gulch (WSG) has a tendency to turtle. Turtling being the situation where each team has the other teams flag, and is therefore unable to turn in the flag they have captured. When this happens and the teams are unable to recapture their flag and turn in their captured flag the game can last for hours or until one side gets bored and gives up. Either way, no fun for either team.

Proposed Solution 1:
draNgNon suggested that there be some change so that the game is won when a certain amount of points are accumulated. Points are accumulated when a flag is turned in, three turnins means victory. Points are also accumulated while your flag remains safely in your base.

However, this solution would only solve the turtle case where each team is unable to get to the other team's well defended flag. It would not solve the case where each team already has the other team's flag and is unable to retrieve their own to turn in a flag capture.

Proposed Solution 2:
Change the game so that each team starts with a certain amount of points. Every flag reduces your opponents points, again three captures results in victory. Also add in the idea of reinforcements from the recent AV changes. So now every death on your team costs your team some amount of points. And to help speed things up, keeping your flag uncaptured will also reduce the amount of points your opponent has.

This is will put a finite time limit on the length of a game. So no matter how much turtling a team tries to do there will eventually be enough deaths for one side to lose.

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