Everyone's talent trees are destroyed, the guild interface is different, and stats on equipment, gems, glyphs, all changed...
Day 1: My addons were trash. I was still using FuBar with a bunch of ***Fu addons. Well, now I'm using ChocolateBar with a bunch of Broker_* equivalents (except for ToFu, which I adore and still have bridging in via Fubar2Broker). I spec'd Ikoli - it was a wild guess. Just her main, haven't tried the offspec yet. Kuan's main spec was easy. Well, easy is relative. Anyhow, concluded, based on the graphics and animation, that the new 31-point elemental talent is more appropriately called "pancake". And that was the end of Tuesday night: 2am and I headed to bed.
Day 2: More addons are clearly trash. Much as I hate it, clearly Recount is necessary. I glyph'd Kuan (see there was a reason I messed with Ikoli first). Checked out Sen'jin Village for changes - the event is gone, and Gadrin has a level 10 cleanup/gathering quest with no followon. Filed a bug: when Kuan summons or dismisses his
Sen'jin Fetish, the drums loop forever. And it's a different drum line every time so I was pretty drummy after a while! Got Kuan his
25 mount achievement. Spec'd his offspec and glyph'd that. Got Mornara to make some gems for Relic slot, and Reforged gear to swap Hit for Mastery. Headed to the target dummy (absolutely the most happening place in the entire game right now), to find out Kuan was spec'd for waaaayyyy too much mana regen, and respec'd him again. By then it was midnight and Mornara decided she wanted her
Gurubashi trinket. I headed over there with Kuan and he got his first kill of the 4.0.1 patch: some Paladin who was flattened by a single
Lava Burst. Went into ZG just to be appalled at raid UI and then to bed.
Day 3: Found the X-Perl wow ace repository and downloaded the alpha, and later, an oRA2 beta. Put them in game and... got busy with real life. No game for me. Time to head to bed.
OK despite the facetious tone that's really what was going on. Basically the Elemental Shaman has a talent that allows 1:1 spirit for hit. And mp5 has been removed from the game so suddenly Kuan has a
lot of spirit. He started out with something ridiculous like 480 hit, so I reforged the excess to Mastery. I need to inspect the gems more closely - hit is now a blue gem thing instead of yellow - so no reason for Kuan not to pick up a lot of
purified - if I can move more hit to gems and reforge more gear I probably will.
It's gonna be a while before I have all my characters sorted...