Monday, November 24, 2008

what's wrong with the red dragons?

the leader of the black dragons became Deathwing.
the leader of the bronze dragons went missing.
the leader of the green dragons is caught in nightmare.
the leader of the blue dragons went insane.

what's the catch?


Unknown said...

Isn't Vaelestraz (in UBRS, in BWL) the leader of the red dragons?

tanthalas said...

Nah. Alexstrasza is the leader of the red dragons (and Queen of all the dragons too).

There's no catch, though in Warcraft 2, she was captured by Deathwing+Horde.

draNgNon said...

I thought that becuase of Vael it would be very odd to have the black and red dragons even talking to each other.

tanthalas said...

I assume you're posting this because you've reached Wyrmrest in Dragonblight...?

If not, I'll shut up. :)

Clara said...

Well if you read what the black dragon at the top of Wyrmrest says she's only not getting attacked because Wyrmrest Temple is basically a sacred place to the dragons.

And as far as Alexstraza goes; her fashion choices are pretty wrong. I mean I understand that they are trying to cater to a more male audience, but could they at least give her something other than a metal bikini to wear? It's snowing in Dragonblight.

tanthalas said...

Yeah that's what I was alluding to. The black dragon says that he's not being attacked because of all the reds guarding the area (and that's also the reason he doesn't kill everything on sight).

As for Alexstrasza's attire... as a member of the audience I fully approve. =D


Kidding (or am I?) aside, she's a dragon... so I'm sure the cold doesn't bother her at all. And that she's not really wearing clothes for the warmth (well... I suppose that much is obvious given that she's wearing a metal bikini).

Speaking of metal bikinis, on a totally unrelated note... metal bikinis IRL.

draNgNon said...


Clara said...

Huh, I almost bought a Leia costume that looked like that about 4 years ago.

draNgNon said...

so backing up, what you are telling me is that the leader of the red dragons has a Star Wars fetish.

ok, I guess that is pretty wrong.

tanthalas said...

"Saurfang, I am your father."