Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Last night after we had killed Solarian and VR and were all done with the raid most of us were still on Vent. People were reminiscing on how far we've come as a guild. The specific example brought up was wiping on Lurker for 6 weeks and now we've killed the first boss of Hyjal and are 2/4 TK and 4/6 SSC. The Guild Leader was telling us all how pleased he was with how we've come together as a guild to kill new bosses and learn strats quickly and progress.

Everyone was saying how they appreciated the guild and the officers and Guild Leader. I was feeling mildly silly, and was perhaps inspired by Tanthalas' descriptions and video's of his guild's singers. Either way I decided to sing my appreciation of our GL (Drognin is his warrior main):

We love you Drognin, oh yes we do.
We don't love anyone so much as you.
When you're not leading us we're blue.
Oh Drognin we love you.

I'm not sure what I was thinking but I did actually sing that on Vent. Amazingly my voice didn't actually give out from embarrassment until I was done with the song. And I got quite a few compliments in Vent and gchat. Regardless I don't think I'll be singing anything else any time soon. :D

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