Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Eeyan goes on a Raid!

He got to hit both Magtheridon - thus completing his Trial of the Naaru - and Gruul. He still hasn't done the quests to get the other part of the Champion title.

It was at the last minute I realized, sheesh, I have never been in more than a 10-man with Eeyan. I did the best I could with my UI last-minute. After all his layout requirements are much, much different. I think it's still too much, he doesn't need to see party or party targets.


Unknown said...

Do you even need to have raid frames up at all? Rogues don't buff, or heal...

draNgNon said...

I'm not sure. I'd say yes. My current thought is his party frames can disappear. But if he gets in a raid where the RL is too stupid to set up MT and MA, then he needs to be able to target quickly without clicking on avatars.