Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Arathi Basin

Arathi Basin is a battle ground that makes a lot of sense to me. It is all about getting your side more resources, this just makes sense in a big picture sort of way. Control more bases, get more resources, your side can supply itself better, and then you win. It isn't quite as organic as Alterac Valley (Kill them all!), but it's much less contrived than Warsong Gulch.

Anyway last night was AB night. So, because it was Monday, Kuan and Viljo went to defend the Horde from those filthy Alliance. (Sorry alliance readers, your toons should bathe more or something. :-)

The first battle was close at some points. Horde had 3 bases at most times and trounced Alliance pretty handily. We almost had 4 bases a couple of times. Viljo was really excited about that thought of 4 bases held, because he *still* has that quest to hold 4 bases at the same time from the defilers. He has had that quest since just after he turned 60.

The second battle was just a steamrolling experience. Horde isn't good at defense. It's just not horde-like to sit back and wait for the enemy to come to you. So about 10 of the 15 member team went and crushed any Alliance resistance that popped up. This lead to a 5 cap! The battle lasted all of 9 minutes. It was just impressive to watch the map, with a mass of horde side players sweeping around and squashing everything in sight. And of course Viljo got his quest done. :)

Third battle was more of the same, though not quite as impressive. We had a 4 cap and again squashed most of what popped up. It was strange, Alliance got bogged down at the farm. They held it and a bunch of us kept most of them busy trying to get it back. Meanwhile most of the rest of the team took the other 4 bases.

After that Kuan and Viljo decided to do a couple of daily quests in Ogri'la. They wrangled Aether Rays and did the simon says game. I personally hate the simon says. It is so annoying. But that is why Viljo brings Kuan along: Kuan writes down the colors and Viljo hits the right ones. That simon says quest must be even more annoying on a PvP server.

After that Viljo and Kuan tried to do one more AB. This was a mistake. Did I mention that Horde isn't good at defense? Sadly, there was too much talking by someone who was all "We have 3 just hold these." But we couldn't hold onto those three. And there wasn't enough momentum from Horde to sweep around and slaughter everything. So it was a slow defeat. But at least Viljo and Kuan got a bunch of HKs out of it.

1 comment:

tanthalas said...

*sigh* at Alliance sucking at BGs. Luckily on the BG weekends, Alliance gets to win 50% of their games if they're lucky sometimes. :P

As for Simon Says, I love that quest. Minimal effort for lots of $$$, and it doesn't involve killing anything (Holy Priests and Pallies everywhere rejoice)! I've gotten to the point where I no longer have to write down the sequences, and generally do well unless I get a completely random string of colors for the very last one.

On my server at least, the daily quest areas are generally very peaceful and carebear-ish. People are all there to get in, get their quests done, and get out. There's the occasional asshat who attacks people doing their quests (or worse, killing Aether Rays as they're being wrangled), but these occur rather rarely.