Tuesday, August 21, 2007

reputation woes

I want Vhaas on an Elekk. She doesn't even have an epic ground mount! Nor will she have one anytime soon; 37G, is what she has.

Now, Zalona has an Elekk. Damn it! I am just behind with all my toons. I just lose at Wow.


Unknown said...

Eh. You're not behind. You have different goals.

Also, Zal has a lot more money to throw into acquiring runecloth for the turnins.

draNgNon said...

no... I am behind. Kuan is undergeared, Eeyan is neither 70 nor 375 BS, and neither Alliance lvl 60 toon is on an epic mount.

that said, I still have a lot of fun playing.

Unknown said...

If you have fun playing, then why stress over being "behind?"

Also, by what metric do you define "behind?" Kuan is starting to get epics from heroics. You don't need to have level 70 alts, or epic mounts for everyone.

You progress at the speed which you can (and are willing) to progress at. To compare to others is ... silly. They have different goals, and different schedules/constraints than you do.

draNgNon said...

The metric is very easy. I have several hundred coworkers on a mailing list. They also have the same schedules/constraints as I.

Here's a couple typical ones for you to compare: Viciousdaio and Potatoyaks on Stormscale. I note they both have family as well as work. You could also look up tanthalas' or patrick's toons (they have both commented on here as well).

I am not stressed, just very... aware.

tanthalas said...

Hey hey, I am a crazy slacker who hasn't started to work yet, so you can't compare to me. That and I rolled my toon post-TBC, so she has inflated faction reps, and I joined a guild full of crazy good players who can carry my ass long enough to get me good gear. :D

(Did I mention that I farmed for my epic mount *after* getting it? :P)