Monday, August 13, 2007


So now that Teltanara is 50 and can, once I get her to Thrallmar, train tailoring, I'm looking at a Tailoring Leveling Guide. I've looked at a couple, but that is the one that seems most useful and adaptable.

I think I'll just do my best to get her up to 350 for the cloth creation. And of course see what I can make her to bank for when she is bigger. I fully intend to have her go Primal Mooncloth, for the healing set. And for ease of large bag creation. :)

Also I never knew about or noticed Josephine Lister. What is this shadoweave tailoring? And why are there lots of shadow sets, and only a few only fire or only frost sets? It's really not fair to mages who may want to, I don't know, use more than one school of magic?


tanthalas said...

Shadoweave is nice for Warlocks but that's about it. Priests don't benefit too much from it since you should be aiming for stacking spirit or balancing damage with spirit when you're leveling.

All this is irrelevant, however, since you're not shadow pewpew. :)

BTW, I think the WoWWiki guide looks identical to Chezzik's, which is what I used.

In retrospect, though, I wonder if I should have stuck with herb/alchemy instead so that I could fund my own flasks and get the Alchemist Stone. I hardly ever use my PMC, except for the belt.

tanthalas said...

Oh, and as for fire/frost stuff: there's the Azure Silk set for frost, and something similar for Fire in the level 50s, IIRC.

Also, most spellcasters use Dreamweave around that time anyway, which is pretty OP. :)