Friday, August 3, 2007

Jintha'Alor and Teltanara

Last night Teltanara, my not-so-little-anymore Blood Elf priestess, hit level 48. Last week she had gotten Eeyan the undead rogue to take her around the Hinterlands and kill things for her. So, because she is Horde, Eeyan took her through Jintha'Alor.

Now Alliance, they don't really have anything do to with Jintha. Oh sure, they go up there and get the Ancient Egg and the Mallet of Zul'Farrak and free Sharpbeak. But their goal is really just to get in and get out. Horde on the other hand has an Agenda. The Revantusk trolls want all the Hakkar worshiping trolls in the Hinterlands dead, and chief among these are the Vilebranch. So Horde has quests to collect tainted blood and kill 120 elites for a couple of different quests. 120 elites! Not all of these are easy to find, but all of them are on the third tier or higher. There is also the remains of someone's twin brother to retrieve and you have to free the Revantusk leader's husband.

So Eeyan slaughtered trolls and Teltanara healed him. Both of them were quite happy about that. Teltanara because trolls are the ancient enemies of the elves, and forest trolls tried to wipe out the high elves and still give the Blood Elves trouble. She was also more than happy to kill things for money. Eeyan because he used to be a human of Lordaeron and they had an alliance against the forest trolls with the high elves, and of course because he is a thug and just likes killing things. (Eeyan is good like that.)

By they time Eeyan and Teltanara had gotten back to Revantusk Village, she had gone up half a level and the first quest she turned in leveled her to 48. After turning in the rest of the quests she got The Ugliest Cloak ever,Deep Woodlands Cloak, a nice offhand, and the rest of the rewards turned into enchanting mats. Teltanara now has show cloak OFF, but was very very pleased with the run. Especially since on going back to UC to train she was able to learn Prayer of Fortitude.

I should also be honest and note that Teltanara is completely stuck up. She has been healy the entirety of her leveling and is very much of the opinion that anyone who has her come along to heal should be grateful for that fact and *snaps fingers* go kill things. She is, however, smart enough not to say so usually. This attitude was imprinted at a pretty early age for her. The Blood Elf priest quest for Fortitude is all about how buffing other people makes them grateful to you and thus you are more powerful because they owe you. And the Blood Elf starting area in general is all about how good things come to those who take them.

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