Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wine + PvP = Fun

A little over eighteen months ago I learned that PvP was fun. I learned this by playing my troll hunter, Kairon, in Warsong Gulch all day long while consuming a bottle of Madeira. I had to whisper Kuanchichi to ask how to talk in the bg, but once I figured that out it was really trivial to put the pet on aggressive and shoot anything that came into sight. Guarding the flag FTW!

After that I realized that pvp was fun but hunter wasn't so much. So Viljo was rolled and Kairon was retired and Viljo did pvp most Monday nights. Then KTSNI tried to organize a pvp night. We all grouped up and went into Arathi Basin together. This should have been ok, we started every battle winning, but there was a certain dick mage (not Viljo!) who couldn't shut up and follow instructions and ended up alienating every single person we played with. I was embarassed that he was in my guild and infuriated that what had all started out as winning battles ended up lost. So I was put off PvP for a while.

Last night Kuanchichi and Viljo continued their restarted Monday night tradition and went into the Eye of the Storm. This was after DraNgNon had persuaded me to get out a bottle of V. Sattui's Old Vine Zinfandel. Neither of us had ever been in Eye of the Storm before so the first battle was entirely confusing. Between figuring out where we were, what we were doing, and how to do it I don't think that either of us helped a whole lot in the first battle, which Horde ended up losing. The second and third battles were both wins.

I really enjoyed the dynamic nature of the Eye of the Storm battles. It was a close battle all the way to the end for all three battles. I also liked the way they combined the best parts of Arathi and Warsong to get a capture the flag and hold bases mis-mash. I like how it's important to do both base holding and flag capping to win. The dynamism really works in favor of horde there. I've seen a lot of Arathi battles go bad because people are busy getting HKs instead of defending. In Eye of the Storm the best way to get HKs is to fight for a tower or the flag. And the single flag keeps nasty turtles form happening, like in Warsong.

And of course, pvp is always more fun if you can take a sip of delicious wine while waiting for the Spirit Healer.

Monday, July 30, 2007

draNgNon progress 7/30

so, here will be my first progress post that I composed for Blogger! looking at the last few posts, clearly the markup has a problem. ok, I think I fixed it; we'll see. here is progress on last week's list.

• 350 unarmed
• 365 fishing
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• get healy enchant on daggar
• battlegrounds
• o yah. honored with CC
• nope
• 360...
• got it!
• nope
• ran 4 AB
• no progress
• Onyxia key.
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
• Teltanara through Searing Gorge
• Teltanara through Jintha'alor
no progress on any of this stuff
• Dun Garok
• RFD preinstance
• Gadget FP
• quests in Arathi
• Kargath FP
• cleared
• got Malcin's head
• got it
• no progress
• got it
• Scholo key
• Fallen Hero of the Horde questline
• runecloth to Exodar
• 300 FA
• 300 cooking
• clear Sunken Temple
• runups to BRD
• got it!
• now needs to visit Aszhara
• got it
• got it
• 294
• cleared
• got it
• done as far as I can tell
and: level 59!!!

so this coming week. here's a todo list... I need to buckle down and finish what I'm doing with Aurochh, and play Eeyan more. but it's hard to say what the effects of the guild change will be in terms of balancing play time between alts; a regular instance run with Kuan will trump the rest. here's what I came up with after talking it over with Clara; I think it's more like 2 week's worth of stuff to do.

Kuanchichi skillup, Lower City rep, and practice w/heroics
• 350 unarmed
• 365 fishing
• run Heroic Crypts
• get healy enchant on daggar
• battlegrounds
• honored with CC

Eeyan Ony key, 0.5 quests, blacksmithing, and run with Teltanara:
• Onyxia key.
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
• Teltanara through Searing Gorge
• Teltanara through Jintha'alor

Aurochh level 35 and artisan enchanting:
• quests in Arathi
• quests in Shimmering Flats
• Shadowprey Village FP

Vhaas leveling, mount money, and Dranei rep for Elekk:
• level 60
• Fallen Hero of the Horde questline
• clear Winterspring quests
• clear outdoor Chillwind point quests
• 300 cooking
• neutral with Timbermaw Hold
• friendly with Thorium Brotherhood
• run BRD
• start on Silithus

• sort out/sync macros for Kuan and Vhaas
• restart Ikoli generating Mooncloth

Sunday, July 29, 2007

our first all-bosses-down heroic

Wow-wise, last night started out like any other Saturday night where we don't have other plans: we logged into Argent Dawn with Vhaas and Khyrie and started clearing quests. the end of the evening, however, was much different. now that we are out of NI and our playtime restrictions are lifted that means after Patrick was done with his evening activities on came Rahlenti to tank Kuan and Viljo through heroic Underbog!

we picked up Jataka, a guildless resto shaman who seemed pretty kickass, and Guli from <Advent Fury>; then, after taking a few wipes to sort ourselves out, went on to down all 4 bosses. Kuan got an epic gem and Viljo got a pretty sweet wand; and of course 4 badges.

my two impressions: first, maybe it's becuase my early-on Wow experiences with the pre-totally-nerfed end game instances, but it felt to me to be the expected instance difficulty for 5 level 70s. as in: not easy, but not special in its difficulty. anyone who ran the early end-game instances before the 5-man caps were imposed should know what I mean by that. second, I love playing with good players and watching a group hit its groove over the first 10-20 minutes of an instance.

anyhow, whee! Vhaas is 59, her scorpid Dorano is 56 and up for learning Claw 8, and Kuan has run a Heroic all the way to the end boss!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


As you can see from DraNgNon's most recent progress post part of her goals are to have Eeyan help Teltanara level. I'm all for this. I have found that I enjoy playing a healer, and my snotty little blood elf priestess is great.

Anyway last night Eeyan ran Teltanara through several quests in Hinterlands. Turtles, wolves, and high elves were killed. The Witherbark were suitably chastened, via their heads on a pike. Teltanara even hit level 47. Soon she shall be through Jintha'Alor and ready for Sunken Temple.

On the topic of Jintha'Alor: it's strange how little Alliance has to do with it while Horde has a massive number of quests there. I fully anticipate that when Teltanara goes through Jintha she will go up a full level between mob killing and quest turn in. Even being escorted by a level 63 will not nerf her xp all that much.

Friday, July 27, 2007

everything turns grey

it occurred to me yesterday that last night Zalona would be offline. so at dinner I suggested that Wendelina come out and help Vhaas and Khyrie clear the rest of Sunken Temple - the bottom part that nobody likes.

Wendelina couldn't log in til later because of RL things, so we killed some time running around Blasted Lands doing the Fallen Hero of the Horde questline. (weird how Alliance doesn't get the first part of the chain in SoS; all they learn is: stupid Horde got their asses kicked.) here's some trivia: the Fallen Hero of the Horde's name is Trebor.

finally Wendelina logged on, and we cleared our quests in the instance, huzzah! (observation: Wendelina does, probably by habit, that PvP trick, frostnova then jump jump back) I had Vhaas bring out Belore, her lvl 50 wolf, which is her instance pet. I was hoping he'd catch up in level a little bit. but no!!! everything we killed other than a boss (level 50) and a wandering hakkari snake (51) was grey.

now, it seems to me that Blizzard needs to pay some attention to the game balance in the existing game play in Azeroth. in the pre-Wow-2.0 world, level 48 was green (xp and/or honor) all the way up to 60. so for our lvl 58 night elves, a large part of what we downed, which generally consisted of lvl 48/49 elites with a boatload of lame lvl 45 adds, was clearly designed to have delivered experience. but the 2.0 changed, which tightened up the xp- and honor- earning brackets, wrecked all that. I have been noticing that affecting other instances... by the time a character is big enough to handle Uldaman, the entire pre-instance is grey...

I know, it sounds like whining, but honestly. the dranei and BE starter areas are expansion content too. but once those races hit the 20s they exit those areas, to find quite a struggle leveling up without some very precise planning, if they don't want to spend a lot of time killing grey mobs to finish collection quests.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


This morning at 4:30am all the Hyjal characters migrated from <Knights That Say NI> to <Ancestor Cult>. It really came down to the fact that no matter what guild you are in you can still play with your friends, but if you can't stand someone in your guild you can't get away from them. Also the fact that in an effort to avoid the tremendously annoying person we were logging on when we thought that he might not be there and had entirely stopped playing on Hyjal on Saturday nights.

Additional factors were that we were never going to get a chance to raid. Due to avoiding the annoying person we weren't going to what looks to become a regular Kara raid. And having been told on three separate occasions by two different officers to pug things/run with other guilds it just seems to me to be more logical to get out of <Knights That Say NI>.

I've added the NI people that I still want to run with to my friends list and hopefully they will do the same.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

then again

who am I kidding about play schedules and raiding. I'm stuck at work.

aurochh, play schedules, and wow imitates life

last night, I was a little too fried from work and other stuff to really focus on playing. so Viljo got to escort Aurochh around to knock out the elite stuff on his list.

Aurochh isn't on our list of toons for this blog, because he's my banker. he's a Grimtotem model Tauren druid; but I just don't like playing druid, so I think of his primary class as "enchanter". I want him able to DE anything, so thanks to a change Blizz made months ago he has to be 35. ... sometimes I just can't believe how long it is taking me to get him up to 35. but a nice side effect is, once I can park him in the cities, he can wear a tux. and I bothered to get him to 150 engineering, so he can make fishing lures.

anyways, now he's 32 - only 3 more levels to go! - and has done the RFD preinstance, and cleared Dun Garok, and has the Kargath and Gadget FPs. probably at 32 he can pick up the rest of the Arathi quests, or maybe do some in desolace, or shimmering flats... it should be easier going finally.

after that, Janedissa needed some help with the worm quest in Terrokar so I logged in Kuan to help. I noticed the NI MOTD was Karazhan, Wednesday, 7pm. that message got me thinking. NI has got to have at least 30 active lvl 70s. quite a few are keyed now; certainly more than 10. who is on the Kara team? are they just expecting people to show up? if they have a team, is the MOTD just to show off? if they don't, how do they expect to choose who's going?

of course, I would probably not need to wonder these things if I read NI's forums. but reading NI's forums means fighting with Ayriya and Carlnextdoor, and I stopped doing so months ago, when I got demoted from being an officer. but I've kept thinking about it all day, and I've come to the realization I will not get to raid Kara if I stay in NI. staying in NI requires that I avoid Carlnextdoor, which means no logging in before 10 on weeknights or Saturdays at all; that was determined last February and I only just reaffirmed it at the end of June whilst home sick.

and if logging Kuan in has to be outside those hours, then guild affiliation isn't going to make a damned bit of difference, there will be no chance to raid with him. or even realistically, run heroics, without a lot of sleep dep. yes, yes, as a side effect of that restriction, Vhaas is 58. but leveling up an NE hunter on another server isn't a solution to this problem any more than, say, working on open source projects is a solution to being stuck in a deadend at work.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Merge point

so this post will be my first post entered directly in this blog. before now, a bunch of posts will appear that I've been keeping in my LiveJournal with a "warcrack" tag on them. I'm not so sure I should carry over the comments, which are sparse, but on some posts extensive... as I don't pull my punches when pissed at WoW.

anyhow last night I resumed a gaming habit I'd dropped when TBC came out, and took Kuan into the battlegrounds. only ran 3 ABs but won two of them. he has a lot of AB marks in the bank, I discovered! go figure. I wonder, I can't tell in the post-BC Wow world, if turning in the marks gets any Defiler rep at all.


First Post!!!

Er, I suppose there ought to be some content here. Well I had fun in AB last night. Won two out of three battles. Of course at a couple of points we had four of the locations captured, but Viljo still had forgotten to get the stupid quest for that. :(

Also Viljo and Kuan took down Zuluhed the Whacked, with guildie help. Yay! friendly with Netherwing and another quest off my quest log. ;-)

Monday, July 23, 2007

draNgNon progress 7/23

I really do want to move these posts out of my LJ. this will hopefully be the last one, and I will migrate it out.

once I figure out what to call the new blog.

anyhow, here is the progress on last week's list. it's all about Vhaas.

• 350 rest of weaps
• 355 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar damnit
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• farm 8 primal waters - needed for healy enchant
• battlegrounds
• staves!
• 358... fishing for primals!
• got it!
• no progress
• 9 of 'em!
• no progress
also: tried Heroic Mech.
• Onyxia key.
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
no progress on any of this stuff
• Dun Garok
• RFD preinstance
• Gadget FP
• quests in Arathi
• Kargath FP
• no progress
• no progress
• nope
• started on raptors and ogres
• nope
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple
• everything but tree escort
• started both
• cleared Un'goro
• got it
• still short on Runecloth
• no progress
and: level 58!!!
which means: HH flight point...

so this coming week. Kuan needs a rest I think, my alts are neglected. especially Tris. after this week Kuan will be working on Lower city rep, which means also Horde rep as Kuan is not allowed to have any rep higher than darkspear.

Kuanchichi weap skillup, and practice w/heroics
• 350 unarmed
• 365 fishing
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• get healy enchant on daggar
• battlegrounds
• o yah. honored with CC

Eeyan Ony key, 0.5 quests, blacksmithing, and run with Teltanara:
• Onyxia key.
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
• Teltanara through Searing Gorge
• Teltanara through Jintha'alor

Aurochh level 35 and artisan enchanting:
• Dun Garok
• RFD preinstance
• Gadget FP
• quests in Arathi
• Kargath FP

Vhaas leveling, and Dranei rep for Elekk:
• Scholo key
• Fallen Hero of the Horde questline
• runecloth to Exodar
• 300 FA
• 300 cooking
• clear Sunken Temple
• runups to BRD

imported from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/775136.html (restricted access)

Friday, July 20, 2007

so, I just lose at wow

Kuan and Viljo went into Silithus last night. They both still have the long-ago-grey The Four Dukes quest partially done and Aurochh's email and bank are overflowing with Twilight Cultist clothing.

that quest is grey, becuase it's ostenisbly level 60. wtf, isn't a quest supposed to be rated at the mob level killed? the Dukes are all level 62 elites... green.

but anyhow, Aurocch parted with 4 sets of Twilight Cultish Clothing of Uglification and 2 LBS' and Kuan and Viljo headed to Silithus. farmed more clothes and Templars and finally pulled up a Duke... Shards, it was, which was disappointing as they both GOT that one already. but whatever the drops are nice.

unfortuantely improper clearing meant Viljo was Occupied with Twilight Avengers so Kuan got to tank, DPS, heal, and deal with getting stunned. WIPE at 12% mob health or something like that. augh.

some more farming and we had what we needed for another Duke. this time it was Fathoms and even though we did properly clear and had it set up for back and forth kiting the knockback just messed with Kuan's heals. WIPE again at considerably higher than 12% mob health.

smarting after that, I took a break from Wow and then when we came back we decided it was mote farming time. and finally, the obsession with skilling up fishing paid off. went to the elemental plateau and before the second Aquadynamic Fish Attractor expired, Kuan had fished himself up 26 motes of water.

then Rahlenti wanted to run a heroic. I was all "Underbog!" because I really want to do that. but, instead the intention got hijacked by Fireskorm who needed KoT rep. Lilra needed that too so we went into regular BM. but Fireskorm and Kuan don't play well together; part of it is style incompatibility, part of it is I do stupid things becuase I am so constantly annoyed at his attitude. it was a bad sign that three of us died clearing gators. Fireskorm refused to clear adds, so Viljo had to. we got through the first 11 portals ok but after that it was badness all around when Viljo managed to get out of healing range for both Kuan and Lilra and dropped dead on Temporus. Rahl and Fire run to the next portal... hello! if both the healers are rezzing someone and then pulling adds off Medivh, it's not a good idea to engage in melee with a Rift lord...!

Fireskorm claimed all the drops, becuase he DEs. isn't that nice. I didn't bother rolling on anything. Kuan was full, since they summoned him before Kuan could hit a bank, becuase Fireskorm needed to get done quickly; and last time I was in an instance with him, he kept the shards regardless of rolls anyhow.

the meters said Kuan was doing 230 DPS in BM. how lame is that, even if Kuan spent a lot of his time in BM as a sheep. I think it's just incompatible playstyles, but whatever. Fireskorm doesn't seem to be pulling all this deliberately. Clara thinks he just has an overweening sense of entitlement; I'm inclined to agree. anyhow I will probably try to avoid running with him in the future, not becuase I dislike HIM, just becuase I don't play well with him.

but all that left me thinking, I lose at Wow. all this nice gear, well, except for the green chest, and I can't even break 250dps in regular black morass.

imported from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/771800.html (restricted access)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

channelling one's OCD

me? I got plenty of outlets in which I can divert any tendency towards OCD. I'm a release engineer. I tend to be a perfectionist when I paint. and, I try to get my Wow characters' skills maxxed out. maybe that's one of the reasons warrior drives me nuts. too many weapon bars to skill up per level...!

other people... channel it differently.

On 7/19/07, Shari wrote:
> I gotta say...: sometimes I think I am too completionist with wanting
> all my skill bars to be solid.
> but seeing that guy's rep bars, makes me think, I am not, actually too
> completionist. not me! look at him! and shut up.
> -shari
> On 7/19/07, Chuck wrote:
> > If anyone has the Sword of 1000 Truths its that guy ;-).
> > --Chuck
> >
> >
> > On 7/19/07, Shari wrote:
> > > Google FTW
> > >
> > > http://www.drink.nu/wow/shendralar/
> > >
> > > On 7/19/07, Daniel wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Is there anyone actually exalted with Shen'dralar? A former guild member of
> > > > mine put a lot of work into grinding, and only made it halfway through
> > > > honored.
> > > >
> > > > D

imported from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/770840.html (restricted access)

For Zalona

Back story of this particular comic is a quest chain to get to the fountain of youth.

Dark Legacy Comic

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


that's not actually true. he never got the key to Maraudon. sigh

also imported from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/769955.html


Kuanchichi, my main wow toon, is now...

100% key'd for Heroics and Kara
+899 heals UNBUFFED in heal gear. ...with +191 mana regen.
+556 dmg & heals UNBUFFED in caster gear. ...with a 16.65% base critical spell strike, +11% for lightning.
7426 AC in his normal tool-around-the-world gear.


migrated from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/769955.html

Monday, July 16, 2007

draNgNon progress 7/16

so.... here is the progress on last week's list. it's not a lot as I had 2 or 3 nights where I had better things to do. I note here for posterity that in Kuan's most recent instance, a run of Shattered Halls, the EDPS (which I'm still not sure I trust) showed him behind the ENH shaman in the group, and floating at around 310. but the total damage on psydid's meters had him outpace everyone (I wonder if psydid is using SwStats or DamageMeters) in the totals by 100k damage. and, he was doing some offheals on the bigger pulls.

Vhaas, meanwhile, was doing poor damage in the ST run I took her on. of course, it's all relative with a lock and a fury warr in the party trying to outgun each other on the meters. anyhow it's time to sink attention into gear and better macros.

• 350 rest of weaps
• 350 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• farm 8 primal waters - needed for healy enchant
• battlegrounds
• maces!
• got it
• AUGH 11779/12000
• no progress
• no progress
• no progress
but: cleared 5mans from Ogri'la... solo healing.
and: friendly with Ogri'la
also: friendly with Sha'tari Skyguard
• world dragons
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
• assist Teltanara blow through Uldaman preinstance
• done, thanks !
• no progress
• no progress
• no progress
• done
• Battle of Hillsbrad chain
• re-run RFK
• re-run SM Lib
• only Dun Garok left
• escorted through
• escorted through
and: level 31!
also: Hammerfall FP
lastly: guilded.
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple
• advanced on chains
• no progress
• cleared oozes
• LW needed it
• no progress
• pugged it, no progress
but: 280 LW!

so this coming week.

Kuanchichi weap skillup, Thrallmar rep, and practice w/heroics
• 350 rest of weaps
• 355 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar damnit
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• farm 8 primal waters - needed for healy enchant
• battlegrounds

Eeyan Ony key, 0.5 quests, and blacksmithing:
• Onyxia key.
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run

Aurochh level 35 and artisan enchanting:
• Dun Garok
• RFD preinstance
• Gadget FP
• quests in Arathi
• Kargath FP

Vhaas leveling, and Dranei rep for Elekk:
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple

imported from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/769684.html (restricted access)

Monday, July 9, 2007

draNgNon progress 7/9

progress on last week's list:

• 350 some weap
• 355 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done
• battlegrounds
• daggars and axes!
• 347
• one more SH run should do it
• no progress
• looked at rewards...
but: cleared 5mans for Ogri'la access
and: cleared 2 or 3 SMV group quests, resulting in gear upgrades
• dragoneye run in UBRS
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• got it
• picked up a couple LBS
• no progress
and: level 63!
• Battle of Hillsbrad chain
• run SM Lib and GY
• no progress
• escorted through
and: level 30! travel form!! tux time!!!
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple...
• ...then run it again.
• advanced on chains
• no progress
• no progress
• no progress
• no progress
• pugged it, did well but no clear
• nope
more: level 55!
• delete Doreen
• run Siobhantha through shit with Teltanara
• nope
• cleared a bunch in Tanaris, including Field Duty

so this coming week.

Kuanchichi weap skillup, Thrallmar rep, and practice w/heroics
• 350 rest of weaps
• 350 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• farm 8 primal waters - needed for healy enchant
• battlegrounds

Eeyan Ony key, 0.5 quests, and blacksmithing:
• world dragons
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
• Hellfire Ramparts run
• assist Teltanara blow through Uldaman preinstance

Aurochh level 35 and artisan enchanting:
• Battle of Hillsbrad chain
• re-run RFK
• re-run SM Lib

Vhaas leveling, and Dranei rep for Elekk:
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple

migrated from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/766385.html (restricted access)

Monday, July 2, 2007

draNgNon progress 7/2

being home sick didn't help at all with making any progress on last week's list.

• 350 some weap
• 345 fishing
• run Shattered Halls
• get Sporregar CF quests done - in Heroics
• battlegrounds
• no progress
• 344
• cleared Kargath
• no progress
• no progress
but: Revered with Keepers of Time
• dragoneye run in UBRS
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing
no progress on any of this stuff!
• Battle of Hillsbrad chain
• run SM Lib and GY
no progress on any of this stuff
• more Felwood
• start WPL
• 250 LW
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• runecloth to Exodar
• finish ST runups
• seconf Jadefire, first Jaedenar, other random
• no progress
• 260!
• not quite there
• no progress
• finished
more: level 53!
and: Everlook FP

so this coming week. between 4th of July and whatnot, I am not gonna hit these... must remember they are focii.

Kuanchichi weap skillup, Thrallmar rep, and practice w/heroics
• 350 some weap
• 355 fishing
• revered with Thrallmar
• get Sporregar Underbog quests done - in Heroic mode
• battlegrounds

Eeyan Ony key, 0.5 quests, and blacksmithing:
• dragoneye run in UBRS omg how hard is this to get a group...
• mats for next 0.5 quest
• 330 blacksmithing

Aurochh level 35 and artisan enchanting:
• Battle of Hillsbrad chain
• run SM Lib and GY

Vhaas leveling, and Dranei rep for Elekk:
• clear Felwood
• start WPL, or Burning Steppes
• clear collection quests in Un'goro
• get FA to Heavy Runecloth
• (if start in WPL) runecloth to Exodar
• clear Sunken Temple...
• ...then run it again.

• delete Doreen
• run Siobhantha through shit with Teltanara

migrated from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/762414.html (restricted access)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

musings on wow, lock levels, and openness

almost all my Wow LJ posts are locked to the same set of friends, the people who play or have played the game and thus won't be bored reading the posts. but there are other people whom I'm friends with as well, and they don't want LJ accounts, but they DO want to see what I'm doing in Wow; I get email and chats from them when I don't actively talk about it. so, I'm wondering if I shouldn't scrape all my Wow posts and save them off to a different blog. something in blogger, or (since blogger is owned by Google and I work there and like to keep work and play as separate as feasible) some other blog setup. then anyone could read it, and it won't clutter up my journal. I mean, I've been pretty much treating the Wow posts, mentally, as a separate but parallel diary subject.

I do have to be concerned about the 3 or 4 people whom I've posted viciously about, in the history of my journal, who were locked out of said posts. but honestly, that feels like talking shit behind these peoples' backs and I don't like that either. so doing this may cause some drama, if they (still) care; but really, isn't that better than otehrwise?

anyhow, that is my thought. I would probably use xjournal to pull the history and break them out. I am not sure if I can export the comments though. but if ljdrama can export comments, I am sure it can be done. genetikayos> and I were talking about that the other day, LJ's lame unimplemented API to pull comments. but I digress. I will figure this out in the next week, I think.

maaaaaybe, I will not only do that, but see if I can finally come up with a way to publish my screenshots in a browsable way.

migrated from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/761720.html. . at the moment, tempting as it is, laziness is stronger, and I don't think I will migrate any lj posts from before this one

4 out of 5

really, I have done more this weekend than just play Wow.

but anyhow, Kuan got the [Key of Time] today despite worst tank ever in Durnholde. we called it (called Durnholde!!!) shortly after wipe #5, when the tank said, "I know waht, why don't I focus garding Kuan and keeping him up"


normally I would fuss over being unable to heal an instance like Durnholde, even... but jeez, Kuan has +929 heals buffed with pots and fishsticks. I'm pretty sure it's just because of the 7191 AC Kuan was sporting that we didn't wipe MORE. almost every pull I had someone on me...

anyhow, now I just need Thrallmar... and will have a lvl 70 key'd for heroics. (not to mention that nice head slot buff for +heals.) yay! I think my first heroic will be Underbog. Kuan has three quests from Sporeggar in there. although maybe Slave Pens first, just becuase it's easier. or is it? I should be gentle on myself... but I can do that regardless of Thrallmar progress... my next one I guess will be the detested Sethekk. I think Viljo has drops in there or something, and I might have a quest runup... *waves hands vaguely*

migrated from http://drangnon.livejournal.com/761588.html (restricted access)