Saturday, July 28, 2007


As you can see from DraNgNon's most recent progress post part of her goals are to have Eeyan help Teltanara level. I'm all for this. I have found that I enjoy playing a healer, and my snotty little blood elf priestess is great.

Anyway last night Eeyan ran Teltanara through several quests in Hinterlands. Turtles, wolves, and high elves were killed. The Witherbark were suitably chastened, via their heads on a pike. Teltanara even hit level 47. Soon she shall be through Jintha'Alor and ready for Sunken Temple.

On the topic of Jintha'Alor: it's strange how little Alliance has to do with it while Horde has a massive number of quests there. I fully anticipate that when Teltanara goes through Jintha she will go up a full level between mob killing and quest turn in. Even being escorted by a level 63 will not nerf her xp all that much.

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