Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wine + PvP = Fun

A little over eighteen months ago I learned that PvP was fun. I learned this by playing my troll hunter, Kairon, in Warsong Gulch all day long while consuming a bottle of Madeira. I had to whisper Kuanchichi to ask how to talk in the bg, but once I figured that out it was really trivial to put the pet on aggressive and shoot anything that came into sight. Guarding the flag FTW!

After that I realized that pvp was fun but hunter wasn't so much. So Viljo was rolled and Kairon was retired and Viljo did pvp most Monday nights. Then KTSNI tried to organize a pvp night. We all grouped up and went into Arathi Basin together. This should have been ok, we started every battle winning, but there was a certain dick mage (not Viljo!) who couldn't shut up and follow instructions and ended up alienating every single person we played with. I was embarassed that he was in my guild and infuriated that what had all started out as winning battles ended up lost. So I was put off PvP for a while.

Last night Kuanchichi and Viljo continued their restarted Monday night tradition and went into the Eye of the Storm. This was after DraNgNon had persuaded me to get out a bottle of V. Sattui's Old Vine Zinfandel. Neither of us had ever been in Eye of the Storm before so the first battle was entirely confusing. Between figuring out where we were, what we were doing, and how to do it I don't think that either of us helped a whole lot in the first battle, which Horde ended up losing. The second and third battles were both wins.

I really enjoyed the dynamic nature of the Eye of the Storm battles. It was a close battle all the way to the end for all three battles. I also liked the way they combined the best parts of Arathi and Warsong to get a capture the flag and hold bases mis-mash. I like how it's important to do both base holding and flag capping to win. The dynamism really works in favor of horde there. I've seen a lot of Arathi battles go bad because people are busy getting HKs instead of defending. In Eye of the Storm the best way to get HKs is to fight for a tower or the flag. And the single flag keeps nasty turtles form happening, like in Warsong.

And of course, pvp is always more fun if you can take a sip of delicious wine while waiting for the Spirit Healer.

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