almost all my Wow LJ posts are locked to the same set of friends, the people who play or have played the game and thus won't be bored reading the posts. but there are other people whom I'm friends with as well, and they don't want LJ accounts, but they DO want to see what I'm doing in Wow; I get email and chats from them when I don't actively talk about it. so, I'm wondering if I shouldn't scrape all my Wow posts and save them off to a different blog. something in blogger, or (since blogger is owned by Google and I work there and like to keep work and play as separate as feasible) some other blog setup. then anyone could read it, and it won't clutter up my journal. I mean, I've been pretty much treating the Wow posts, mentally, as a separate but parallel diary subject.
I do have to be concerned about the 3 or 4 people whom I've posted viciously about, in the history of my journal, who were locked out of said posts. but honestly, that feels like talking shit behind these peoples' backs and I don't like that either. so doing this may cause some drama, if they (still) care; but really, isn't that better than otehrwise?
anyhow, that is my thought. I would probably use xjournal to pull the history and break them out. I am not sure if I can export the comments though. but if ljdrama can export comments, I am sure it can be done. genetikayos> and I were talking about that the other day, LJ's lame unimplemented API to pull comments. but I digress. I will figure this out in the next week, I think.
maaaaaybe, I will not only do that, but see if I can finally come up with a way to publish my screenshots in a browsable way.
migrated from . at the moment, tempting as it is, laziness is stronger, and I don't think I will migrate any lj posts from before this one