Friday, August 30, 2013

Pro Pet Mob

The other night I went out and leveled a few more battle pets. Just enough to get the Pro Pet Mob achieve.

Why yes, I do have seventy-five level 25 battle pets! No, no, that's not crazy at all, totally reasonable to have that many fully leveled battle pets.

What I need to do now is sort my favorite pets. I originally went through and marked as favorite all the pets I thought were cool and that I wanted to level. Then after leveling a bunch and running into nasty Grand Master Tamers I picked out a bunch more pets that I liked and had strong family based attacks, so I could actually win versus Grand Master Tamers.

I also have been marking as favorite those pets that I want to level. Which I think I will continue to do, as it's a good way to keep track of the pets I have started to level. However I do need to go through and purge a lot of my level 25 favorites. I really don't need to have 60+ level 25 pets. Especially since I do not use the vast majority of them in either my tamer beating teams or my PvP teams.

With this achievement down I think that I'm pretty close to complete with Pet Battle achieves. The only Pet Battle achieves I have left are capturing the fucking Minfernal, winning many PvP pet battles, and winning 5 PvP battles without having any pet die.

Well close until the next patch, at any rate...

1 comment:

Durandal said...

I though you linked me a minfernal a few days ago?

Meanwhile, I star every pet that's on any of my teams. Some of the teams aren't fully leveled, so a <25 starred pet is an easy/obvious leveling priority.